Are you looking for a more natural alternative to Pig Oil & Sulphur for conditioning Feathers Farriers Equine Care produce a 100% natural plant based conditioning oil that will remove tangles and leave feathers, manes & tails silky soft and supple. We also add Peppermint Essential Oil to help reduce problems with mites. This will be shipped in 2 x 2.5ltr containers ( 5 litre containers are out of stock )
We would like to introduce you to a gentler, more natural product which we believe offers greater benefits than pig oil, not just for your horse but to the environment also. Farriers Shire Oil is a blend of natural plant oils and extracts which have been carefully chosen to produce the softest, silkiest feathers possible. Highly water repellent and non sticky, this product will help keep mud from attaching to the feathers and therefore help reduce mud born conditions such as Mud Fever.
Many horse are allergic to traditional pig oil and sulphur, which can cause irritation and chemical burns. Farriers Shire Oil contains no harmful ingredient that irritate sensitive skin. In fact all of our ingredients are designed to nourish and protect.
Heavy Horses are prone to Feather Mites which can be problematic to treat. Farriers Shire Oil contains Peppermint Essential Oil to deter Feather Mites from making your horses legs their home.
Farriers Shire Oil is better for our environment too. The plant oils we use are not by products of the petro-chemical industry and are actually sustainable and renewable. We strive to produce the most natural products possible. We also produce a wide range of equine products which are available from our website.
Store away from Sunlight
INGREDIENTS: Sweet Almond Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil.
Specific References
ON SALE SAVE £1.50 Farriers Winter Hoof Dressing with antibacterial and antifungal essential oils is Water repellent & long lasting, With winter fast approaching you need to pay special attention to our horses feet in these wet conditions. Normally, the Periople around the coronary band ( similar to the skin at the top of your finger nail) regulates moisture intake for the hoof wall. In very wet condition, the feet can become waterlogged and problems can occur. The hoof wall becomes soft and prone to splitting. Wet conditions are often the cause of shoe loss as the nails have little to grip too. Also helps with the aid of Seedy toe.
Does not contain animals fats.
Are you looking for a more natural alternative to Pig Oil & Sulphur (which comes from the petrol-chemical industry) for conditioning Feathers, manes & tails.
Farriers Equine Care produce a 100% natural plant based conditioning oil that will remove tangles and leave feathers silky soft and supple.
We also add Peppermint Essential Oil to help reduce problems with mites and smells great too.
Biosect Mite Treatment is now available in this economical 2.5 litre refill size. Ideal for Livery Yards or owners with several horses. Easy to use, can be applied with a hand sprayer or sponged onto the horses legs. Also available in 500ml and 1 litre combo pack. See other listings.
Farriers Cracked Heel Cream contains three pure essential oils known for their anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. Made from natural emollients specifically chosen to prevent and treat cracked heels . This cream softens the scabs and promotes healthy skin growth. Incorporated into this cream is a barrier ingredient to help keep the affected area dry. Can also be used to help prevent mud attaching to the lower legs in boggy, wet conditions. Ideal for the treatment of Rain scald. ( see pictures) This was a poor donkey left out in the rain, she was clipped & our cream applied daily, she is now back to full health with a glorious shiny coat.
FARRIERS THRUSH TREATMENT has been especially formulated to maintain health Frogs & hooves. It contains two essential oils with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and our very own Eucodine base.
Can be used daily initially to help prevent smelly feet from becoming prone to Thrush.
When used twice a week will maintain healthy frogs.
Pictured is a Donkey hoof full of seedy toe which was successfully treated by mixing our Thrush treatment with sugar to make a paste which was applied to the hoof everyday and vet wrapped, the sugar drew the moisture out and the spray killed the bad fungal like bacteria causing the seedy toe. The hoof was also dressed by a farrier every month.
Horses get seedy toe also but not as bad as donkeys, its caused by damp conditions.
Farriers Biosect feather mite spray is ideal for those stubborn parasites that live on your horses legs. Made using pyrethrums, Biosect works by paralyzing the mites rendering them unable to move and they quickly die. you should see positive results within 24 hours.
Is your horse stamping, rubbing, biting his legs??
Farriers Biosect Mite Treatment combo contains a 500ml bottle of our Feather Mite Spray and a 500ml bottle of Feather Mite Shampoo. These two products offer the best treatment and prevention of Feather Mites.
Use both products independently, no need to use both at the same time.
We recommend shampooing first application then either shampoo again or spray 7 to 10 days later.
This topical cream is an effective anti fungal, antiseptic and antibacterial barrier cream intended for use on horses and donkeys with Mallenders & Sallenders. Made from 100% natural ingredients and pure essential oils. This highly water repellent cream provides a protective barrier against the environment. The cream helps support the natural healing process of cracks, sores, callused skin, fixed scabs, superficial wounds and helps soothe itchy, dry skin. Keeping the skin supple and in good skin condition, is necessary for healthy hair regrowth. Farriers Original M&S Cream is economical and easy to use and the long lasting formula stands up to all weathers. It does not melt in heat or wash off in rain. Picture is what typical Mallenders & Sallenders looks like, this is behind the knee joint.