Our popular calming Lavender & Lemon mane & tail long lasting conditioning spray now comes in 1.5 litre refill
Can be used on the whole body too to give a lovely soft sheen to the coat while delivering a lovely soft calming fragrance.
Save money by buying both together.
Apply liberally to the mane & tail comb through re apply as necessary
Can last up to a week.
Specific References
Are you looking for a more natural alternative to Pig Oil & Sulphur (which comes from the petrol-chemical industry) for conditioning Feathers, manes & tails.
Farriers Equine Care produce a 100% natural plant based conditioning oil that will remove tangles and leave feathers silky soft and supple.
We also add Peppermint Essential Oil to help reduce problems with mites and smells great too.
Conveniently packaged in 4 x 2.5ltr litre jugs for ease of handling. This natural alternative to pig oil and sulphur is made from 100% plant extracts and contains peppermint essential oil to help deter feather mites. This product is easy to use and smells great too.
When working around horses, there is nothing worse than pesky flies and biting insects annoying you and your horse. Farriers Citronella fly spray has been developed by a working Farrier with over 40 years of shoeing experience and incorporates three of the best essential oils for repelling these nasty critters. Citronella, Lavender & Cedar wood essential oils have been blended into our formulae. This fly spray is water based and has no solvent based chemicals to harm your horses skin. Can be sprayed directly onto your horse or onto a brush or cloth for hard to spray horses. Long lasting and available in cost effective sizes.
This topical cream is an effective anti fungal, antiseptic and antibacterial barrier cream intended for use on horses and donkeys with Mallenders & Sallenders . Made from 100% natural ingredients and pure essential oils. This highly water repellent cream provides a protective barrier against the environment. The cream helps support the natural healing process of cracks, sores, callused skin, fixed scabs, superficial wounds and helps soothe itchy, dry skin. Keeping the skin supple and in good skin condition, is necessary for healthy hair regrowth. Farriers Original M&S Cream is economical and easy to use and the long lasting formula stands up to all weathers. It does not melt in heat or wash off in rain. A before & after picture will help you see the difference when using the cream.